
About Me

Hi! I’m Frank, a product designer based in the SF Bay Area. Always up for a challenge, I love taking on new design challenges, and problems. I am curious by nature, always asking questions, and trying to identify all possible outcomes.

I spent the last decade as an Industrial designer, this helps me visualize the big picture, rapidly solve problems, and pivot within the design lifecycle. I have experience juggling and prioritizing multiple projects. I enjoy challenges that resolve with logic and the best possible outcome balancing user empathy and the business needs.

Over the last two years, I have been pivoted my career to digital products, working with startups on various products, across the web, mobile, and physical.

In my spare time, I spend my time with friends playing sports, cards, and video games. I am getting back into shape, working out twice a day, and drinking a gallon of water a day. I am currently reading “ Unconscious Branding” by Douglas Van Praet to help give me a different perspective on consumer psychology and behavior.

As COVID-19 wraps up its terror, and some of these companies close down their projects, I hope to shift my focus to digital design full time, diving into data and user psychology to help build seamless integrations to web and mobile.