Cheffi App


Home chefs have no way to digital alter and catalog recipes they have made adjustments to.

Find, modify, and share recipes from an open sourced network with the snap of a photo. Share you own recipes with friends, family and the rest of the Cheffi community

Helping chefs digital organize themselves in the kitchen. Cheffi is the solution designed with the intent to make cooking more social.



UX UI Designer


June- July 2018


Research Methods

User Survey
User Interview
Usability Testing
Competitive Analysis
A/B Testing

Design Methods

User Journey
Affinity Mapping
Rapid Wireframe Prototyping



Pen & Paper
Adobe XD
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator

Scope & Planning

Validate product hypothesis though research and interviews. Create and test solution via wireframes and prototypes spanning various age groups to ensure ease of usability.




User Survey

Setting up a online survey, that was then shared on social media, and directly messages to friends and family. 29 responses, here are the high level findings.

  • 6 people subscribe to food box

  • 89.3% have a family recipe

  • 65% Share with Friends

  • 26 people Cook within the week

  • 76.9% of the 26 people cook 3+ times a week

  • 79.3% Dinner 20.7% Breakfast



Stina Regalia.png

“Sometimes I change the ingredients because I don’t have the one the recipe calls for.”

Sarah Campbell.png

“I have so many cookbooks.”


“I never save recipes, I always just re-google them.”

Nick Pallagano.png

“I have tried multiple apps and none of them have everything I need.”

Jill Oroszco.png

Competitive Analysis



  • People want a solution to store recipes found on the internet

  • Many current apps are not focused on saving recipes

  • Must export the recipe to share

  • Modifying existing recipes is an additional feature, or must be done outside the app

  • You cannot easily share a modified recipe









Creating living documents like this gives a great starting off point, as well as a roadmap to revisit when problems within the project arises.

Site Map


*Made w/

User Flow




Click to Enlarge


Click to Enlarge


Task at Hand

1. Navigate from Login to “My Cookbook”.

2. Locate the Banana Salad Recipe

3. Double the serving size

4. Replace or remove Nuts

5. Share new custom recipe



Tested the wireframe with users varying in age from 23-60, some refactoring was done i with some high level finding noted below:

Get to “My Cookbook” and find Banana Salad”

  • Saw an issue with many different people getting to “My Cookbook”, as well as to the recipe.

  • Maybe add text to nav bar.

  • Added an index to open the “My Cookbook”

Double Recipe

  • Overall good flow, maybe introduce a easier method to get from one number to another. (1 User)

Add Ingredient

  • Easy flow, some people clicked text instead of (+) Button

  • Change hit box to include text

Replace Ingredients

  • Easy flow, not much resistance. Think of adding more AI features to suggest.

  • Add dietary filters (Future Feature)

Share QR Code

Most resistance, as I expected. QR codes are not used in the US

  • 60yr Did not know what it was

  • 30yr (IT Manager) Knew what it was, thought there should be more of the Share icon

  • 28yr Tapped immediately!!! Uses snapchat so she understands

  • 26yr Tapped it after a once over the whole page, include scroll down

High Fidelity Mocks


Step Away

This process taught me the ins and outs of digital product design. I learned usability patterns, prototyping tools, and that each generation does not utilize technology in the same way. This very thing taught me icons, no mater how simple you may think they are, should be partnered with text whenever possible for clear and concise navigation throughout digital products.

Looking to the Future

While I am proud of the prototype I have created, I would like to revisit some of the problems with testing laid out below. Strongly believing that setting up some A/B testing can make the prototype much stronger going forward.

Future Testing

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