Adult Soccer Team Tracker

It all started when…

I was asked to join an adult soccer team based in Danville, CA. We started using a 3rd party app to help organize the team with attendance, and scheduling. The app was clunky, slow and had features we didn’t need. We all had to keep an app on our phone for the entire offseason. We decided to take matters into our own hands.

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Version 1

Version 2 Color, Rescaling Prototyping Hooked up

High Fidelity Screens

Next Steps

Current version of the site is live. We are testing the site for responsiveness, usability, as well as data fetching capabilities to potentially turn this into a scalable product for additional adult and youth recreational sports teams.

Working with local soccer teams, and adult kickball league and to better understand problems and needs of users to implement second round of modular testing in April when their season kicks off.

  • Interview Current Users

  • Interview Users of Competitors

  • Interview Asset Holders About Integration

  • Test Beta with Tyro’s Team Members

  • Test Beta with Kickball Teams